Do you live a healthy lifestyle with few if any ongoing health conditions and no medications? Are you looking for an affordable alternative to the rapidly rising costs for Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans, also known as "Obamacare" health insurance plans? A membership in a Health Care Sharing Ministry (HCSM) plan may be an option for you and your family.
Significantly less expensive than most major medical insurance policies, the faith-based membership plans offer to help members pay for their qualified medical bills from the shared contributions of their membership.
No, it is not health insurance and as such, is not regulated by any formal regulatory body. However, health share ministries have been in existence for nearly 30 years.
Healthshare Ministry Plans are faith-based medical-needs sharing memberships. Medical needs are only shared in by the members according to the membership guidelines. Members agree to the Statement of Standards and voluntarily submit monthly contributions into an escrow account with the plan acting as a neutral escrow agent between members.
Membership is not a legally binding agreement to reimburse any member for medical needs a member may incur, but is instead, an opportunity for members to care for one another in a time of need, to present their medical needs to other members as outlined in the membership guidelines. The financial assistance members receive will come from other members' monthly contributions that are placed in an escrow account, not directly from the HealthShare.